Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Circle Dock

Posted on 2:09 PM by Seeker

Language: Multi-language (incl. Cht.)
Type: Desktop Customization
System: All Windows
Size: 19.68MB

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Circle Dock is a unique, intuitive, graphically enhanced program launcher.

Unlike other Dock programs - and indeed the Desktop - Circle Dock allows you to have multiple layers so that you can group similar, or allied, items within folders. Folders can contain other folders as well as documents and programs. Now for those who want a bit of technical information, Circle Dock is a multi-layered, multi-threaded application.

At the base is the (hidden) Main Window which is responsible for controlling the application as well as sending and receiving messages from the Dock's other windows.

All the visible elements - the background, centre button, dock items and their labels - are all unique windows created, positioned, synchronised and controlled by the Main Window.

The only time Circle Dock will consume a significant amount of memory is when the main Properties dialog is displayed; however once this dialog is dismissed, the program's housekeeping routines quickly free-up memory and return it to the system pool.

What Circle Dock Allows You to Do:

* Launch your programs from a circular dock.
* Drag and drop your files, folders, and shortcuts onto a circular dock that you can re-size.
* Rotate the dock with either your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys.
* Change the image shown for the icons and change the skins (compatible with icons and skins for Rocket Dock, Object Dock, etc.)
* The dock appears where your mouse is by pressing a hotkey (default is F1) or your middle mouse button, other options available.
* Tested on computers with multiple monitors, Windows XP/Vista/7, 32-bit & 64-bit, and requires only .Net Framework 2.0.
* Automatically works on all Windows Vista and 7 computers and most Windows XP computers.
* A new settings panel that allows you to customize many options. It updates your dock as you make changes. See it change in real time! No need to press an OK button.
* Multi-language capable. Just translate the English.ini file to the language of your choice. 50+ Languages currently available
* Change the image used for the dock icons with the easiest method out there: Just set the program to "Icon Replacement Mode" in the right-click menu of the center icon and you can change all the icon images by just dragging and dropping new PNG images onto them! Huge time saver when you are customizing your dock!
* Built in support for Windows HD Icons. Vector and detailed PNG's come through with great clarity
* toggle the visibility of the dock by moving your mouse to any edge of your screen. By default, the left and right edges are used for toggling. No need to press a button!
* Rotate the dock with your mouse wheel or arrow keys (customizable).
* Reorder and Organize the dock items with new adjustment interface. Located via right click on an item
* By default, clicking on the center button does not open the start menu. You can enable this in the settings panel.
* New easy method of upgrading from older versions.
* Access help files from almost every setting window. Get the help you need immediately without having to search
* Standalone Stacks 2 are now integrate and access directly by left clicking and selecting a stack option (Additional Options added v1.5.)
* Portability creation has never been easier. Now with an improved Circle Dock Portable Maker for Back up and distribution, and excellent Individual and corporate solution!

Circle Dock 能讓使用者把桌面捷徑以圓圈或轉盤方式呈現,只要用拖曳方式就能建立圓形的工具列,這個圓圈還能隨著滑鼠滾輪或鍵盤方向鍵來做轉動,以螺旋方式或同心圓方式來排列,使用者可以將同類的捷徑放在同一圈裡。使用者也可以將所有桌面圖示或資料夾拉進這個轉盤裡,擺脫繁雜的桌面圖式,也許可將最常用的工具軟體放在第一圈,文件類放在第二圈,娛樂影音檔放在第三圈,依此類推,不但美觀而且一目瞭然。放入 Circle Dock 轉盤的資料夾可以含其他資料夾、檔案或文件。

Circle Dock 提供一個新的系統快捷列概念,大幅修改 Windows 系統工具列,把所有捷徑用圓圈形狀來排列,最常使用的軟體或檔案則放在最中間,讓使用者隨時都看得到、找得到,排列方式可以是螺旋方式或同心圓方式,甚至可以加上旋轉的動畫效果。


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